Key on Chest

In this four-week program, you’ll blister and bruise your pecs with several familiar moves. However, we want you to slow down and take critical note of your training form. Making small adjustments will mean big changes in your progress. Within certain exercises, we’ve zeroed in on particular elements common to training mistakes - flaws that need the most minor of tweaks but could mean the most major of muscular improvements.
Follow the program, paying close attention to workout volume and intensity so you fail at the rep ranges given. In Week 1, this training plan is geared toward your overall chest development. Then, in Weeks 2, 3 and 4, we focus on the middle, upper and lower pecs, respectively. Even though each week focuses on a particular region of the chest, the program still includes exercises that target all areas.
Finally, we’ve provided an intensity menu from which you’ll choose certain techniques to take your training to the next level. Follow the instructions carefully, and use one of the intensity-boosters listed only on your last set and when you see this symbol *. However, you should wait to use the techniques until after you’ve mastered the fine-tuning points laid out in this program. Intensity tactics such as these work best when coupled with stellar form and impeccable technique. Choose just one per workout.

Chest Routine

Week 1 (Overall Chest Development)
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press Warmup 2-3 15-20
Bench Press 3 6-8*
Incline Bench Press 3 8-10
Incline Dumbbell Flye 3 10-12
Smith Machine Decline Press 3 12-15
Push-Up 3 to failure
Week 2 (Middle Chest Focus)
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press Warmup 2-3 15-20
Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press 3 8-10
Bent-Over Cable Crossover 3 6-8*
Dumbbell Pullover 3 8-10
Decline Dumbbell Press 3 10-12*
Push-Up 3 to failure
Week 3 (Upper Chest Focus)
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Bench Press Warmup 2-3 12-20
Incline Bench Press 3 6-8*
Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press 3 8-10
Low-High Cable Crossover 3 10-12*
Incline Dumbbell Flye 3 15-20
Decline Push-Up 3 to failure
Week 4 (Lower Chest Focus)
Exercise Sets Reps
Decline Bench Press Warmup 2-3 12-20
Decline Bench Press 3 6-8
Upright Cable Crossover 3 8-10*
Bench Press 3 10-12
Dip 3 to failure
Use the intensity techniques on the following page wherever you see this symbol *. Choose one technique for a particular exercise and utilize it only on the last set of that move.

Intensity Menu

Use these intensity techniques wherever you see this symbol * in the routine on the previous page. Choose one technique for a particular exercise and utilize it only on the last set of that move.
Drop Sets
After completing your reps in a heavy set, quickly strip an equal amount of weight from each side of the bar or select lighter dumbbells. Continue repping until you fail, then strip off more weight to complete even more reps.
Forced Reps
Have a training partner assist you with reps at the end of a set to help you work past the point of momentary muscular failure. Your training partner should help lift the bar with only the force necessary for you to keep moving and get past the sticking point.
Partial Reps
Do reps over only a partial range of motion - at the top, in the middle or at the bottom - of a movement.
Take brief rest periods during a set of a given exercise to squeeze out more reps. Use a weight you can lift for 2-3 reps, rest up to 20 seconds, then try for another 2-3 reps. Rest again briefly, then try for as many reps as you can handle, and repeat once more.
Resist the downward motion of a very heavy weight. For example, on the bench press, use a weight that’s 15%-25% heavier than you can typically handle, and fight the negative as you slowly lower the bar to your chest. Have your partner assist with the positive portion of the rep.
Bench Press in Focus
One of the biggest mistakes bodybuilders make when bench-pressing is moving the bar along an incorrect path. Many people bring the bar down to their chest, then press it straight toward the ceiling. First, make sure you bring the bar to your lower chest, not your middle or upper chest. You’ll find you’re much more powerful if you take the bar a little lower on your pecs. Second, as you explode upward, allow the bar to travel in an arc over your face. This arcing motion allows for more pectoral involvement, as opposed to the straight-up-and-down motion, which involves the triceps unnecessarily and reduces the stress on the chest.
Incline Bench Press in Focus
Several critical mistakes are common on the incline bench press. One involves grip, which should not be the same as your standard bench grip (at least not all the time). On the incline bench press, use a wider grip than usual, allowing for a greater range of motion at the bottom of each rep. A narrower grip makes it harder to bring the bar to the very upper portion of your chest at the base of your neck.
Incline Dumbbell Flye in Focus
This exercise is probably one of the best for chest when performed correctly; it works especially well as a pre-exhaust move. To make the most of the incline flye, you must keep constant tension on the pecs at the bottom of each rep. To achieve this, stop when you feel a good stretch, pause, then explode upward. If you allow your arms to drop too low while opening the bend in your elbows, however, you lose tension in the pecs, not to mention risk injury to your shoulders. One more thing: At the top of each rep, squeeze your pecs to drive as much blood into them as possible. Relaxing at the top is probably the second most common mistake when it comes to the flye.
Push-Up in Focus
A fundamental requirement of this exercise is to keep your head in a neutral position throughout the motion. Personal trainers may tell you to “keep your head up,” probably because that’s what they’ve always said. In reality, keeping your head up puts a lot of unnecessary stress on the cervical spine and causes back sway. Keep your eyes fixed on the floor in front of you. Also, vary the spacing of your hands; a narrower grip involves your triceps more.
Cable Crossover in Focus
This is an excellent isolation exercise for the pecs, whether you use it to pre-exhaust your chest before heavier compound moves or as a finishing exercise to pump the muscle full of blood at the end of a session. Many bodybuilders, however, fall into a rut when it comes to the crossover angle they use week to week. For optimal pec development, you need to hit the crossover motion from various angles (bent over, 45 degrees and upright). It’s the upright version we focus on here, which will help you develop serious lower-chest thickness and definition. As with any version of the exercise, make sure to maintain the slight bend in your elbows for constant pec tension.
Decline Dumbbell Press in Focus
Probably the most underutilized angle in chest training is the decline; even rarer is this angle combined with dumbbells. Perhaps it’s due to the potentially awkward setup or dismount, or maybe it’s because the decline press has a bad rap as a “not-so-crucial” chest exercise. In fact, this is a vital move you should include in your routine.
You’ll find you’re very strong in the decline press due to two main factors: decreased range of motion and lat involvement. Make sure you allow the dumbbells to descend only to your lower chest or level with the top of your abs. Don’t lower them all the way to shoulder level or the top of your chest, both of which put you at risk of injury. Also, in spite of what you may see at the gym, don’t pull your head off the bench; keeping it on the bench protects your cervical spine and upper back.